The power of bite-sized online learning exercises
Memorizing large amounts of information can be quite challenging. Do you remember, around 30 years ago, when you needed to learn the telephone numbers of your friends and parents by heart? You probably did so by cutting this into small groups of two to three numbers. This is a method that wasn’t only relevant back then, but still is!
From short-term to long-term memory
People can save up to seven subjects on average in their short-term memory. But how do you make sure this evolves onto your long-term memory? The answer is: chunking. Information in short, consistent amounts can be saved more easily and called back more effectively when you need it.
According to several scientists, this has to do with the ‘Cognitive Load Theory’. This concept illustrates that you can only save a certain amount of information in your working brain, before you’re able to learn something new. Moreover, when the material is linked to previous information, your brain becomes more aware of how it can be saved in your long-term memory.
Proved as an effective learning method
Nowadays, learning in small chunks, also known as microlearning, can be found in many places. Not only do people learn a new language in just a couple of minutes a day with e.g. the free mobile app Duolingo, schools also use this learning method to teach in a more sustainable way.
In the corporate world, employees are given additional opportunities to upskill in this effective way. Research even indicates that this learning method leads to 50% more training engagement. Besides that, this learning method is considered very pleasant, as you can plan the small training bites in such a way that it fits your work and private schedule.
Let's get started with microlearning
With 5miles, you can improve your skills with short, 5-minute challenges each day. We offer trainings in a number of Office applications, including Excel, PowerPoint, VBA, Outlook and Teams. In this way, you can work on your skills during your first cup of coffee. Easy as that!