Lifelong online learning with the right mindset

I’m sure we can all agree on the fact that online learning and development is becoming increasingly important. This vision is once again confirmed by prof. dr. Nick van Dam, a corporate learning expert who puts effort into sustainable employment and lifelong learning. One of the aspects he stresses in his book ‘Leren en ontwikkelen in het digitale tijdperk’ (Learning and development in the digital era) is: “People make the difference”.

Intrinsic motivation

The ongoing technological evolution and the covid-19 pandemic deeply affect the current learning environment. It is therefore important that we have clear learning strategies that are not only designed for you for next year, but also build upon the development of relevant skills in the years to come.

Next to a personalized training offer and multiple online forms of learning, Van Dam emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning. This concept focuses on being intrinsically motivated to grow skills that can be applied in the rest of both your professional and personal life.

The power of yet

Opening up to this concept of lifelong learning and doing so with a lot of energy, starts off with the right mindset. According to the American psychologist Carol Dweck, this mindset can be described as the Growth Mindset. When you have a certain mindset with which you can convince yourself that you have the power of personal development in your own hands, you can actually grow and book progress.

Dweck also stresses the “power of yet”. Don’t you have the essential knowledge, or don’t you have this knowledge yet? Hold on to this line of thought, and you’ll be surprised how much you’re still capable of.

Learning in the flow of work

Are you ready to make the difference? Develop skills within your current role or build new expertise that you can put in practice in other areas as well. 5miles' unique learning method makes sure you can improve your skills in e.g. Excel, PowerPoint and Teams in only 5 minutes a day.

Our learning platform offers the flexibility that enables you to create your own customized learning schedule. In this way, lifelong learning in the flow of work has never been easier!

Want learn more about the 5miles learning method? Read this article.

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