Office skills Manage your Outlook inbox: Create rules and alerts Construct efficient rules using Outlook's Rules and Alerts option and automate the organization process of incoming e-mails.
Office skills Name Box: Keep your spreadsheet in Excel structured and clear Would a rose, by any other name, smell as sweet? Learn how you can use Excel's Name box to more effectively work in your workbook and spreadsheets.
Office skills Conditional formatting in Power BI: Turn icons On/Off In the eye of the beholder: Power BI visuals can be improved through the use of icons. Check out how you can turn your Power BI icons On/Off and adjust the conditional formatting to create more impressive and visually appealing icons.
Office skills How to change your Microsoft Teams status Hi, how are you? Hey, what's up? Hello??? Adjusting your status in Microsoft Teams can improve your communication with your colleagues. Learn how to adjust your Microsoft Teams status.
Office skills Ask Power BI to make a visual using the Q&A function Ask your Power BI data direct questions through the Q&A feature and see the answer to your questions revealed in a stunning visual.
Office skills How to improve VBA macros in Excel: Use Range instead of Select Don't litter your VBA code with Select, know when to remove it. By simplifying your VBA code, you can see an increase in their performance (runtime).
Office skills Design your PowerPoint slides faster with format painter Create a shape, apply the perfect format, repeat. PowerPoints Format Painter can speed up your slide design process with just three clicks.
Office skills How to use digital sticky notes in Microsoft Outlook Go paperless, but not noteless. Using Outlook's digital sticky notes can help you make note of important details without interrupting your workflow.
Office skills Countif function with comparison operators in Excel Discover Excel's Countif feature and the other comparison operators you can use to better analyse your data.
Office skills Where's the mute button?! Don't be the one who distracts everyone from a Microsoft Teams' meeting with strange background noises. Instead, learn the precise actions to adjust your microphone and the keyboard shortcuts that can speed up the process.
Online learning Beat the (forgetting) curve Did you know that the two recent movies that most accurately depict Amnesia are 1) Memento (2001) and 2) Finding Nemo (2003)? Most movies depict retrograde amnesia (losing the ability to recollect past
Online learning Good things come to those who are active learners ‘It’s not me, it’s you.’ Whoops. That doesn’t sound nice, but it might be true. Think about the last time you were at a training or workshop. How much of
Online learning ‘Waarom zou leren niet zo toegankelijk kunnen zijn als Netflix?’ Hoe kunnen L&D-afdelingen leren nog optimaler organiseren? Natasja Mol (Digital Learning Marketing Leader bij IBM Global) belicht dit issue vanuit haar achtergrond als voormalig marketeer en vraagt zich af waarom leren
Online learning ‘Nieuwe economie vraagt om andere skills’ Hoewel de schattingen uiteenlopen om hoeveel banen het precies gaat, staat als een paal boven water dat er veel taken en banen geautomatiseerd gaan worden. Tegelijkertijd volgen nieuwe technologieën elkaar in een razend
Online learning The truth about microlearning: Not all that shines is gold Tapas are small, tasty Spanish dishes, typically accompanying drinks. Did you know that ‘tapa’ literally means lid? The word reflects their original purpose. Back in the day, tapas were pieces of smelly cheese